• Well defined requirements
  • Upfront discussions among Developers, testers and BA
  • early involvement of the testing team
  • No or very little communication required while developing or testing the story
  • Less time required by tester if all scenarios are working fine in continuous integration environment
  • Good documentation of requirement in the form of feature file
  • Documentation will updated if requirement changes
  • Same-time query clarification, no delay due to no use of email or any other digital tool


We saw that how a distributed agile team faces changes due to distance and various layer of communication. This leads to confusion about requirement among the team members. Which ends up pushing the development cost to higher side. But if we introduce the missing link, specification workshop, to the process. We find that quality of user story is very high. Understanding of user story requirement is increased many folds for technical team and testers. This helps in reducing the very late communication among BA, testers and developers. Stories which is part of the planning backlog are quite mature and of high quality.
I’ll recommend using specification workshop to not only distributed team but also to co-located teams. I have tried to give overview of specification workshop which is not very detailed but gives a fair idea about it.